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Become a Supplier

Supplier Benefits

Hundreds of Bookings

All of our suppliers benefit from hundreds of customers at no advertising cost to suppliers

Quality Relationships

We spend a lot of time ensuring our relationships are strong with suppliers

International Exposure

With hundreds of customers engaging monthly, suppliers will gain international customers

Locked-In Contracts

We work with our suppliers to ensure affordable rates for all customers across all destinations

Supplier Benefits

working together

Becoming a supplier with Wicked Event Management gives you access to a market you’ve never had access to before. It increases the supplier’s potential for future sales by increasing your exposure to new customers. Our bookings are generally large number groups, which means our booking is of high value. Group bookings average between 10-50 people per group. As a supplier you will only deal with our dedicated booking agent directly – we take care of all customer service questions, and payment processing, so you can focus on doing what you do best. We pride ourselves on our long-standing partnerships with suppliers and maintaining a good relationship with them, which is of the utmost importance to Wicked Event Management.

How we go to market

how we go to market

Wicked Event Management invests largely in our digital marketing, SEO,  and online strategy. As a result, we rank highly in organic search engines. We invest in direct marketing campaigns, conduct testing, and our marketing team is across all digital marketing platforms to ensure we do not miss an opportunity to gain prospective clients. As well as ranking at the top for organic search, we are an established and highly regarded business within the industry. Wicked event management also features in selected blogs, magazines, and websites.

Product Pricing & Supplier Rates

Our suppliers agree on a commissionable rate which is passed on to Wicked Event Management. We only price supplier products to a reasonable value for money for our customers. Our aim is to provide extra value for money and that is why our supplier agreements and discounted rates are highly important.

Apply to be a Supplier

Take advantage of this amazing opportunity to work with a reputable international brand offering unforgettable events.